Anibal and Hosanna workshops JUNE

Don't Miss out on Anibal Montenegro's 3rd visit to Australia. Anibal is popular and approachable teacher who has toured extensively in Asia and Europe as well as teaching at prestigious tango schools in Buenos Aires.

This years tour includes Canberra June 4-5, Melbourne June 18-19 and NZ Tango Festival June 24-27

Workshops in Sydney will have a strong focus on musicality and developing social dancing skills. The main attention is given to music, embrace, communication within the couple, and solid technical explanations. A comprehensive exploration to improve all aspects of your social dance skills and incorporate your own movement vocabulary with greater understanding

Each of the workshops will encompass a useful movements, voleo, sacada, gancho, volcada, colgada, barridas, enrosque, etc.... but always paying attention to the space and directions. Keep this weekend free!

11:00-12:30 - MUSICALITY I
We shall discuss the idea of musical pulses and how to express them differently while dancing. The accent, strong beats, compass, syncopation. How to create a dance with different rhythmical structures with special attention to Synopation

How to create space and dynamics using circular movements and spiral exchanges within the embrace. We will explore techniques of the pĂ­vot, giros and front sacadas.

3:30-5:00 - MILONGA
Rhythm and its practical expressions in dancing

11:00-12:30 MUSICALITY II
The concept of musical phrase, How to dance with what each different orchestra is suggesting. The usage of pauses, syncopations and weak beats to make our dance more dynamic. Techniques and exercises.

1:00-2:30 DEEP BASIC
Technique and development of basics for advanced dancers. Connection in the embrace, walking, intention and its execution, equilibrium. Going deep into the complexity of leading and following roles, changing of roles.

How to use the elements, called “new” on the dance floor (elements with shared axes and out of the axes elements). Limitations, possibilities and new horizons.

7:00-8:30  TURNS

TURNS with special focus on technique and musicality in the Giro and how to incorporate other techniques like sacadas, shared axis, barridas etc while maintaining the dynamic. 

Individual wkshp $40
3 or more wkshp $35
Weekend package $200
 Complete package $240
All workshops held at Redfern Town Hall

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